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South Carolina Golf School - New Golfers, Seasoned Golfers

South Carolina Golf School - New Golfers, Seasoned Golfers

By Brian Weis

There are a few buckets of golfers you'll find at any given course:

>> The brand-new golfer
>> The low handicapper who hasn't see a triple digit score since the first year they played
>> The casual, bogey making, golfer

We hardly mean these are the only sets of golfers out there, but they fill up the majority of a course. What's difficult for most is that when they try to play with each other, it's hard to imagine oneself in the others shoes.

A scratch golfer can't understand for the life of them why a person uses 3-wood from deep rough and beginners dream of the day they can drive the ball 250. And if you're in a friend group that includes golfers from every level, forget about it. It's hard to play together and even harder to pass along what knowledge might be helpful.

If this sounds like you, the only solution is an environment where the instructor has experience with a wide berth of golfers and can tailor their teaching to the crowd. For this, we like the South Carolina Golf School.

Who's There?
At the South Carolina Golf School, there's pros that get it and golfers trying to get it. The biggest difference between your most skilled friend and the professionals there? They're highly trained and have years of experience designing golf instruction that caters to the individual strengths and weaknesses of golfers who seek them out. Kind of a big difference in our eyes.

The relationships are casual, but the results are not. At a facility like this, it's not uncommon for beginner golfers to gain 20 yards and drop 5 strokes in a week. Significant results are harder to come by as you improve, but progress never stalls with instructors like this.

A student, Ashby, described the instructor experience as "absolutely amazing the amount of instruction he gave me, and what struck me the most was that he more than matched my intensity and desire to improve, and that is saying a lot."

For a new player, it's all about looking at golf the right way. Ashby added, "For someone in my shoes that is new to the game of golf, I feel more than fortunate to have experienced this time with Greg. I left the school with a brand-new outlook on the game."

Getting Over the Hump
We mention it above, but it should not be lost on anyone reading this the value the South Carolina Golf School can have on an advanced golfer. As your handicap lowers, it becomes harder and harder to make major improvements. For the most part, this is because you're becoming consistent and the flaws aren't as big.

When you work with a professional, they're able to pick up on nuances and minor problems holding you back. With high handicappers, the issues are easy to pick up. With better golfers, you need an objective, knowledgeable viewer to push you in the right direction. That's what happens when you put yourself in the eyes of top-tier professionals.

The Bird Golf Academy
PO Box 2158
Litchfield Park, AZ 85340

Toll Free: 877-424-7346 (877 4-BIRDGO)

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Revised: 11/02/2022 - Article Viewed 1,273 Times

About: Brian Weis

Brian Weis Brian Weis is the Publisher of, a network of golf travel and directory sites including,,,, etc. Professionally, Brian is a member of the Golf Writers Association of America (GWAA), International Network of Golf (ING), Golf Travel Writers of America (GTWA), International Golf Travel Writers Association (IGTWA) and The Society of Hickory Golfers (SoHG). In 2016, Brian won The Shaheen Cup, an award given to a golf travel writer by his peers.

All of his life, Brian has been around the game of golf. As a youngster, Brian competed at all levels in junior and high school golf. Brian had a zero chance for a college golf scholarship, so he worked on the grounds crew at West Bend Country Club to pay for his University of Wisconsin education. In his adult years, his passion for the game collided with his entrepreneurial spirit and in 2004 launched In 2007, the idea for a network of local golf directory sites formed and was born. Today, the network consists of a site in all 50 states supported by national sites like, and It is an understatement to say, Brian is passionate about promoting golf and golf travel on a local, regional, national and international level.

On the golf course, Brian is known as a fierce weekend warrior that fluctuates between a 5-9 handicap. With a soft fade, known as "The Weis Slice", and booming 300+ drives, he can blast it out of bounds with the best of them.

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